A History

Know Yourself. Know Your Work. Know Your World. TM

A brief history

In 2015 as firm, however, we started this journey much earlier than this toward wealth accumulation out of pure curiosity, as traders. The driving question to the Universe then was, "What type of person must we become to achieve the highest level of wealth humanly possible? What would be our sacrifices? And, what phases, or stages, must we grow through in this process? Now, daily we are experiencing the answers and results.

As traders, we always have an eye upon price action of markets.

Where we are today

Today, our interests and skill sets are diversified to adsorb shocks to markets, yet the same questions, as in the beginning, still drives us and our core investment philosophy. We are very much driven by results, but this is still primarily a journey of self awareness and and self discovery. Markets simply just help us keep score on achieving our goals.

As data nerds, we find cryptocurrencies fascinating.
REI is a satisfying way to invest some just rewards.